I am having little... and by little I mean NO success in finding a job. My hope is that this dry spell in the employment history will draw to a close soon. The job I mentioned earlier has yet to respond to a call or thank you letter. At this time I have elected to move on. All the area Hospitals have my application, as do many of the area government offices and staffing services. Somethings gotta give.
Until that time I am trying to keep a stiff upper lip and delve into other tasks. Like a little pleasure reading from a long forgotten favorite author. Much to my delight I have discovered he has a online journal that is regularly updated. I expect that I shall visit it at least as often as I visit post secret. Fulghum has been a part of my little moral compass for years, beginning with All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten at the ripe old age of 11. Thus my young mind was tapped and eager to drink in this scholars thought, ideas, and experience. Fulghum was at my side during adolescents. Each of his stories a benchmark for my journey thru life. His words were there to guide me thru the dark times with my father, each time I feel that life may get the best of me I return to his books, the amazing security blanket wraps its self around me with the first words. It is thanks to this man that I saw Einstein as not just a scientist but a thinker and humanitarian. He is the one who lead me to want to sit in Einstein's lap and savor the world, for this and so much more I owe a debt of Gratitude. Last night I was drawn to the shelves where I selected my companion for the week. This week shall be a trip thru It Was on Fire When I Lay Down on It. This is my favorite of his to date, tho I must confess I have not read his more recent works. If anyone were to look for a gift idea for me I would like to mention I only have in my possession the following books: Words I wish I wrote, Uh-oh, Maybe (Maybe Not), and It was on fire when I lay down on it.
To my friends if you have never considered reading his books, please do. A fresh look at life is always good. I hope each of you has a author who brings you these same happy feelings in times of dissatisfaction. I hope bring you better news in the days to come. For now I encourage you to pick up a book. So often life passes us by with out the chance to savor. Savor a book for me.
I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge That myth is more potent than history That dreams are more powerful than facts That hope always triumphs over experience That laughter is the only cure for grief And I believe that love is stronger than death.
- Robert Fulghum
PS. Look for his link to his Journals in my friends menu to the right. ---> He is after all one of my longest friends, right up there with Dr. Seuss, and Charles Schultz.

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