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Is this thing on?

I guess with classes starting soon and just life in general it is normal for readership to be down. For some reason I am in full blogging mode lately.

Recently it came to my attention that some bloggers are paid for reviews of products, by organizations to push a view point, or flat out paid to blog. To me this struck a chord.

My reasons for blogging are simple, or complex depending on how you look at it. I blog to keep friends up to date on my life. I blog to get thoughts in my head out. I blog to share a experience - be it positive or negative in hopes we can all learn from it. I blog for a reality check, that has at times been provided by you, my readers.

I have toyed off and on with the idea of adding some independent advertising from google or a other randomizing ad service. If I choose to do this I hardly expect to earn 2 dollars from it.

This past week I heard on NPR about blogging with integrity. After reading up on the Blog with Integrity Pledge, I took the plunge.

By displaying the Blog with Integrity badge or signing the pledge, I assert that the trust of my readers and the blogging community is important to me.

I treat others respectfully, attacking ideas and not people. I also welcome respectful disagreement with my own ideas.

I believe in intellectual property rights, providing links, citing sources, and crediting inspiration where appropriate.

I disclose my material relationships, policies and business practices. My readers will know the difference between editorial, advertorial, and advertising, should I choose to have it. If I do sponsored or paid posts, they are clearly marked.

When collaborating with marketers and PR professionals, I handle myself professionally and abide by basic journalistic standards.

I always present my honest opinions to the best of my ability.

I own my words. Even if I occasionally have to eat them.

You may have noticed the Blog with Integrity Badge under my photo. I did it. This pledge fits my views on life. Then I took it one step further. I added a disclosure, courtesy of I disclose DOT org that can be found at the bottom of each page. I left in the part about monitization just incase I ever decide to explore that route. I also decided it was time to post something about comment moderation, should that ever be required. Best to cover my bases before I get ambushed right?

I hope that my readers will value my transparency as I do in others. Also if you have not had a chance to browse some of the blogs I link to on the right I encourage you to do so. You will find authors, artists, musicians, philosophers, diy blogs, financial advise, and even some of my closest friends. I love finding a new blog to browse. I hope you do too.

2 thoughts from readers:

Old Skool Beatdown said...

What happened to your previous blogs?

laurie said...

Lar, from what I see they are all still here.