The Seagull.

I saw a seagull today.

This may seem small and insignificant. But for me it is so much more.

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For me a seagull is hope tempered with reassurance wrapped in a warm blanket of love. You could say they are my 'angels'.

This is not a new thing, tho most would think it came from having a sailor for a husband. Seagulls predate relationships for me.

As a child in Oklahoma a seagull is not a common thing to see, but I did. Always on a day that I was feeling down or something went wrong a solitary seagull would fly past, and I would feel at ease. I saw one shortly after my Grandfather's passing and many other changing points in my life.

Now I live near a beach, but rarely see them unless I am at the beach or at the pier. Today I saw one as I was leaving work, just one.

As some of you may have gathered February is a low point for me, has been since I was a teen. With Valentines Day being the final jab.

Today I saw a seagull, today things will turn around.

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