Victory Is Mine!

Ok, Grant has been gone almost 3 days now. Normally this would mean that I was in some weird funk and in hiding, eating only comfort food. The dish pile would grow until I ran out of forks (I have 17 forks, this would take some time). The laundry would slowly take over the house and the garbage would be left un touched, for about a week. This is partially true, but I prefer to think it is the weather. I so far have all the dishes done, the laundry is in the works I am in the process of purging things we do not need, I cooked.... from scratch with no recipe. I took the ex-lax chilli we had frozen since we could not think of a way to make it edible and attempted to turn it into food. Since I had never made chilli I was flying blind. But it came out DAMN GOOD if I do say so myself, and since it is snowing this makes a PERFECT time for homemade Frito Chilli Pie! And lastly I hit the gym today! GO ME! I got in 2 miles on the elliptical in 30 minutes, not great but I will take it... it is somewhere to start. The entire time I could hear Tonya in the back of my head every time I wanted to give up. Her voice was saying "hey it is only 10 more minutes, anyone can do anything for 10 minutes come on its no big deal." Afterward I was sorely tempted to grab a snickers or a slim jim, but I behaved myself I got a 100 cal. fruit snack pack! GO ME!!!!

2 thoughts from readers:

Anonymous said...

oh my famous last words LOL, ANYONE can do ANYthing for just 10 minutes....ha. so true indeed. -Tonya

Anonymous said...

oh my famous last words LOL, ANYONE can do ANYthing for just 10 minutes....ha. so true indeed. -Tonya