This is where I sing bappy birthday to me!!!! Happy Birthday to me!!!!
So, I just got home from Saddle Ridge in Hampton, where I participated in a "booty shakin' contest" and it took a couple of beers to encourage me to do that. Gotta say, not at all what I had expected from a country bar. Very not my scene but we (Alison, Jess, & Lisa) still had a good time.
Grant got me beautiful flowers and I am off to bed!
I got home from the gym and hopped into the shower hoping the hot water would help me think of some introspective, retrospective, and forward looking (I tried to find an antonym for retrospective but only found 'idiotic'). As I sat in the shower I quickly realized my mind works in a series of clips or snap shots and trying to piece together coherent thought was a lost cause so allow me to bombard you with a series of randomness ending with 25 things about being 25.
Another trip around the sun, and my life has changed so much in a year. I witnessed think this year has seen the most change. Perhaps I am the only one to see this change. This is where I feel the need to list these changes.
- For the first time I have cared daily about my appearance.
- For the first time I am content in my life
- For the first time I have 'let myself go' and just said "to hell with it, they will like me or not, but I will be me"
- For the first time I felt secure to stand my ground and take life on the chin.
- For the first time I shed all the negative-ness surrounding me and decided to live a happier life.
- For the first time I knew who I was.
Surely from where you sit reading this I sound completely self centered. But after all this is my blog and my birthday, so be it. This past year I spent alot of time concentrating on who I am and being comfortable with that. Now I am looking back and don't regret a single moment. And that is pretty cool.
25 thoughts on turning 25.
1. - I am the age my mom was when I was born. I am no where ready to have a kid!
2. - I can get into 25 and up clubs. Yay.
3. - The square root of my age is 5.
4. - I cant believe I know that.
5. - I cant believe I work with math daily.
6. - Having a birthday that normally falls on spring break sucks and you spend alot of them alone.
7. - I am not ready to have kids.
8. - I am waiting to see how many people notice it is my birthday, because this is the first time I haven't mentioned it hourly for the past month.
9. - I think the above is a sign of maturity or having a life, take your pick.
10. - For the first time in my adult life I have a life out side of the internet.
11. - I can now say I have been so drunk I puked.
12. - At age 25 I intend to experience more life has to offer.
13. - The day I was born the Supreme Court Ruled that states could require, with some exceptions, parental notification when teen-age girls sought abortions.
14. - It has been 7 years since I have been: eligible to vote and legally do what the heck I want.
15. - It has been 4 years since I could legally drink, even tho I just started that little hobby about a year ago.
16. - I shudder at the thought that I am already halfway to 50!
The next several items are things to do before I turn 50
17. - Chase a Tornado and Take a picture
18. - Go abroad.
19. - Visit every US State
20. - Paint a Picture
21. - Organize my Families Photos.
22. - Learn about my family history
23. - Have a family
24. - Own my own home
25. - Be True to my self and my beliefs, no matter the cost.
And lastly I leave you with the cover of Time Magazine 25 years ago.
At this point for the first time, I nearly have a even number of guy friends to gal friends. This feels very strange to me. All my boys are out to sea. This makes me feel alone. For the first time ever I have gone for 2 moths with little to no guy interaction. Till now I had not realized how much I crave friends from both sexes.
Aside from that life is trolling along at a pretty content level. I am confident and secure in my married life, that is a first. I am feeling valued as a friend, and all around just feeling validated.
The place I am working now is all female... def. not my thing.
Derrick will be home Tues to pick up his Cobalt. I do love driving a stick. But I will be thrilled to have the first of my boys home. Even if it will be short lived.
Lately I am really missing Scotty. He was like a brother to me and we did fight like brother and sister. We also respected one another like brother and sister. I hated it when he left the house and moved back with his parents. And then our realtor took her sweet ass ime giving us our refund. I think this killed our friendship. I really miss him.
The march resolution is comming along -ok- a few days not so great but over all still good.
Today looks like a good day to detail the cars and the cats after the gym.
I really really cant wait to have Grant home.
This past weekend was St Paddys and belive me I did it up big! Friday I wore a kelly Green skirt and Green earings to work, yes a white shirt did accompany! Then to Lido Inn and then Saturday AM at Ocean View

Jello Shots were flying thru the air and red cups abounded in which to drink beer or what not. Yes, I had my first beer at nine and jello shots were located at 10. Good times!
So, I picked a goal for the summer to accomplish during deployment. I am going to learn to surf. Hopefully by august I will be catching some gnarly waves and hanging 10, what ever the hell that means. In any avent, I think this is somthing I should learn before I hit 30. Plus after we are done here chances are good we wont ever live on the coast again. Gotta learn while I can!
I am soooo FREAKIN EXCITED!!! I reserved a room for us at the Schooner Inn on the BEach for Grants first night home!!! I jsut cant wait to have him home, even tho it will be breif!
I have been thinking this routinely this week as I make food to eat. Why you ask? Simply put hot dogs. I ADORE hot dogs but often they are laced with Turkey. Turkey makes me violently ill. Then I discovered all beef hot dogs, but they are stupid high in fat. The awnser: Hebrew National! They have 97% Fat Free all Beef Franks! I can once again enjoy my hot dogs with out bracing myself for what will follow.
I have returned home from the gym after my first workout with my iPod nano it is just 1G and already FULL but I really like it! It made the workout FLY by (aside from the painful minutes while waiting on machines that people were camping on). I am SOOOOO glad I went to the gym, I was REALLY not feeling it esp. since I was still recovering from Friday night and still feel ucky, but it sure helped my flipping tummy! And I ran by a store and picked up some stuff for my project. One more pay cycle and I may be able to complete it!
Oh an yes so far the march res. is comming along nicely!
I learned a few things this weekend.
-It is important to have Friends who you can trust completely.
-It is important to repay said friends in every way possible.
-5 red bull and vodkas, tequila, coors light, and diet pills do not make a happy tummy.
-above mentioned also ensures that you cannot walk.
-I ain't ever doing that shit again.
So, the tummy is recovering, fortunately there was no headache, and I only puked the night of.
Jess, who does not have this link is someone I owe alot of gratitude and momentarily I am going to her place to clean, feed her kittys cause she is gone and detail her car. Yeah, I owe her big. I also learned this week that some people can surprise you from time to time and do something un-expected.
I am also learning that when I am worried/nervous etc... I do not know when to stop drinking.
And most importantly I learned that Red Bull/vodka tastes alot like Tums, and will make you not want to take tums to help with the queasy-ness.
My I-Pod came!!!! And I ran out of room on it so I will be editing it soon. Much to write about from the week, but I am very tired and am going to bed.
My most darling husband convinced me to get an IPOD Nano..... :-D He wants to both reward and encourage me in my continued weight loss! SOOOOOO I ordered it this AM at work, when I placed my order I was told it would take 3-5 days for engraving, BUT..... I just got my shipping conformation!!!!! WWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! It should arrive no later than March 7!!
In other gym related news, I did weight training tonight... and almost did not go because of a wretched stabbing pain in my right side but I am not about to start March out on a poopy note so I went! AND by this time next week I SHOULD have a brand freakin new IPOD to take with me!!!!!!
Yup, me. Came home for lunch today to find a summons taped to the door. This is in reguard to a stolen check that someone tried to cash at my window... yay. I am a witness. So what happens when one goes to court?
How fitting, March is womens history month. As proclaimed by Pres. Carter in 1980. A month to reflect on the accomplishments made by women.
This march my resolution will reflect this as well. My resolution is to hit the gym 5x a week minimum, out of those days three will be spent concentrating on weight training. After all,as Rosie the Riveter proclaims, "We Can Do It!"