At this point for the first time, I nearly have a even number of guy friends to gal friends. This feels very strange to me. All my boys are out to sea. This makes me feel alone. For the first time ever I have gone for 2 moths with little to no guy interaction. Till now I had not realized how much I crave friends from both sexes.
Aside from that life is trolling along at a pretty content level. I am confident and secure in my married life, that is a first. I am feeling valued as a friend, and all around just feeling validated.
The place I am working now is all female... def. not my thing.
Derrick will be home Tues to pick up his Cobalt. I do love driving a stick. But I will be thrilled to have the first of my boys home. Even if it will be short lived.
Lately I am really missing Scotty. He was like a brother to me and we did fight like brother and sister. We also respected one another like brother and sister. I hated it when he left the house and moved back with his parents. And then our realtor took her sweet ass ime giving us our refund. I think this killed our friendship. I really miss him.
The march resolution is comming along -ok- a few days not so great but over all still good.
Today looks like a good day to detail the cars and the cats after the gym.
I really really cant wait to have Grant home.
This past weekend was St Paddys and belive me I did it up big! Friday I wore a kelly Green skirt and Green earings to work, yes a white shirt did accompany! Then to Lido Inn and then Saturday AM at Ocean View

Jello Shots were flying thru the air and red cups abounded in which to drink beer or what not. Yes, I had my first beer at nine and jello shots were located at 10. Good times!
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