Like something out of a bad scary movie

I get a call last night (1:45AM) that jerks me from a peaceful slumber from a local area code, me thinking the worst think it is the ship calling and somthing deadful hs happened, I franticly call it back. The person on the other end of this call says his name is 'Scott' and that he has been calling me for a month and why havent I returned his call, that my sister gave him my key and can he come over. At this point I interupt him and say "I have no sister". Then he asks how he has my number have I ever had my vehicle serviced at his shop, this is when it begins to make sense, a girl who I worked with months ago had a boyfriend who worked at his shop and reccomend that I have my truck looked into and gave me a good price, I took the truck in for servicing in November. And I also knew this guy cause he came thru my line regularly, seemed like a decent guy. At first I am sure it is just a mis-dial, but then he asks how Grant is and if he is gone. My dumbass half alert state says he is gone and then realize what I have done and say, "he will be back soon tho." Then he proceeds to chit-chat. Not that I have much to add to the conversation, I am pretty damn sleepy, then he mentions that he has missed me since I left that bank... I just relpy with a uh-huh. And try my hardest to get off the phone.

After feeling pretty creeped out I get up and push the couch in front of the door and go back to bed.

This AM I woke up and ordered a door knob security bar.

ETA Since this time the kid has been staying with me at night. The first night he brought re-enforcements, 2 friends and his cousin. No one worry about me just yet.

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