To things I have previously alluded to. I guess my husband and I have grown tired of the secrecy. So below you will find his blog on the matter. I shall add my own thoughts at a later time.
A couple of you have heard rumors about what's happened to me. I figure I'll just go ahead and clear the air once and for all. FIRST OFF....TULSA PEOPLE!!! WE ARE COMING HOME!!! Towards the End of October. (Jocelyn...this means in time for Halloween! ROCK!) I'm actively throwing resumes out right and left in the Tulsa area, but I think I have a line on something good. It's been way too long, and these coastal people are crazy and know NOTHING about good barbecue. Sorry folks, but you just plain DON'T.
On to the more depressing news. I think I would rather lay this out in a bulleted format.
-Until about a month ago, I was scheduled for advanced technical training for two months in Pensacola, Florida with a three-year follow-on assignment to Denver, Colorado working for a certain three-letter-government-agency.
-This assignment required me to go through what is called a counter-intelligence security polygraph exam. For those of you who only know about polygraph tests from what you see in the movies and on Maury Povich, forget it. There is not a giant meter hooked up to it that says either "TRUTH" or "LIE." A polygraph machine combines measurements of your heart rate, breathing rate, electrodermal conductivity (fancy schmancy way of saying SWEAT) and body movement. The combination of these signals is INTERPRETED-key word-INTERPRETED by the test taker, who then makes the determination as to whether or not that person is being deceptive. Stifle a fart, and they'll think you're a spy.
-The consensus view among scientists is that polygraph testing has no scientific basis.
-I "failed" my test.
In the aftermath of this "failure," I was submitted to more series of polygraph exams, which I PASSED. Due to certain admissions during the interview process though, NCIS became convinced that I attempted to sell classified information to a foreign government. I told them that I had THOUGHT-key word-THOUGHT about how I would go about selling classified information. Who hasn't walked into a bank and at least thought about how they would knock it off? Counted the cameras? Noticed a lazy security guard? These are mental gymnastics, nothing more. However, in the mind of the NCIS agents currently investigating me - this was a CONCRETE PLAN that I took action on.
*regains composure* Ahem. They try to prove it by basically re-doing my security investigation OVER again. Talking to everyone I've ever come in contact with. In the meantime - My reputation is on the rocks, my computer and iPods are locked away in an NCIS evidence locker somewhere (yeah. They tossed my house.), I have lost my orders to Denver, and the bonus I would have gotten. If I decided to fight this and stay in the military, I have NO DOUBT that I could. After all, these guys are going to do their jobs and beat their heads against the wall for a few months before becoming convinced that I'm actually a pretty boring guy.
But is it worth it? Is it worth it to fight for my military career when my bonus is gone, I have a permanent black mark in my security file, and there's a solid chance I could get sent to fight the Great Republican Oil Expedition Brought to You By Halliburton Industries? Absolutely not. I am getting the HELL out of the military as soon as I legally can, growing out my sideburns, and never looking back. But I'm not bitter. As long as the United States has this lovely omelette called National Security, eggs will have to be broken to make it. I just found out I'm one of them.
Here's one final FACT for you:
-Aldridge Ames, one of the most damaging spies in U.S. History, PASSED multiple screening polygraph tests similar to the one I took. While he was selling classified information to the KGB, I might add.
3 thoughts from readers:
Who needs good barbecue when you have good crab cakes?
Yeah but that shell fish allergy kinda cancels that one out! LOL!
Justin's still willing to walk Grant's resume into the FAA. Just sos ya know.
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