The salvation army and me.

Little known fact about me. I really really really REALLLLLLYYY Hate the salvation army's tactics. Not the organization of the salvation army, not the work they do, not the idea behind it. What I hate is the bell ringers. Do I hate them for the bell? nope. I hate them for standing in front of stores. Not even really so much for that. I hate how they make me feel! I cannot in good conscience walk past one with out putting something in the pot. Every holiday season I go broke because of them. This year I will be filling my car ash trays with pennies. That will show them! Don't mess with me! I mean business! Ha! See how you like those two cents!

And yes, there was one in front of mega-lo-mart when I went to get shelf paper this am. Grrr the war is on!

3 thoughts from readers:

Laura said...

Oooo! I feel the same way! First I am a bit annoyed by the ringing of the bell... the contant ringing - dingdingdingdingdingding of the bell.
Then they give you that look as you approach. The look that says if I don't contribute to the kettle two babies and a 90 year old woman aren't going to have a very merry Christmas.
The pressure!

!@#$% said...

I'm not a big fan of the bell ringers, and there are some aspects of the SA's belief system that I definitely do not agree with, but without them, I would have no bed and no couch.

paintandink said...

I just smile and wave.