back, sort of.

Sorry to everyone. Who would think that moving 1,313 miles would make a blog fall behind.... yes I hear the cricket's no that wasn't that funny.

Truth be told I am not a big fan of touch pads on lap tops and just have been a slacking procrastinator.

Making this house feel like our home is going.... well I guess. I have been helping the families with Holiday Prep. This past weekend I was in the Broken arrow Christmas Parade with the Green Country Roller Girls.

I am in a bit of a funk after the move. I guess feeling the loss of VA more than anticipated. Saturday we are hosting Grant and Tim's Christmas Party so I am feeling the pressure to have the house PERFECT before the family sees it for the first time. (Primarily because most of them have never seen me in my own home.)

Oh and here are some photos from Grants Christmas Party.

I will write more when the stress dies down, promise.

1 thoughts from readers:

paintandink said...

What a lovely couple you make.

Virginia misses you, too, I promise, but don't worry and don't forget that there's always an adjustment period with moving, no matter how much looked-forward to.