And for old long past, my joy (sweetheart),
For old long past,
We will take a cup of kindness yet,
For old long past,
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
And days of old long past.
And surely you will pay for your pint-vessel!
And surely I will pay for mine!
And we will take a cup of kindness yet,
For old long past.
We two have run about the hillsides
And pulled the wild daisies fine;
But we have wandered many a weary foot
Since old long past.
We two have paddled in the stream,
From morning sun till noon;
But seas between us broad have roared
Since old long past.
And there is a hand, my trusty friend!
And give me a hand of yours!
And we will take a right good-will drink,
For old long past.
My wishes for my Friends and family this year include the following:
- a prayer for peace
- a hope for safety
- a appeal to the powers that be to find a way to co-exist
- a invocation for health
- and lastly a request for respect and understanding in your daily life
I love you all and hope 2008 treats you infinitely better than 2007. May God, Jehovah, The Absolute Being, Daemon, Divine Being, Great Spirit, World Spirit, Allah, and any other higher power I may have forgot bless you and keep you this year.
-Laurie aka Hailey Hawkeye
2 thoughts from readers:
Wishing you and Grant the happiest of new years, full of gun and great memories.
When you come back and visit -- you are coming back to visit, aren't you? -- I'll go with you to the Outer Banks.
yes, eventually
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