Well, I thought the whole point of going to the reunion was to impress people. I mean, how am I gonna impress ANYBODY by selling ban-lon smocks at Bargain Mart?
Grant came home from work the other night with a web address to his high school reunions website. Can it really be possible? It is already time for a 10 year reunion? Already this is bringing up questions for me. Obviously since I now live in the same town I graduated from I will run in to classmates from time to time. It doesn't seem like enough has happened in my life to warrant a class reunion. I imagine everyone sits around at reunions to compare war stories. My stories aren't that great, my life hasn't changed that much, and frankly I am not sure that there is a soul from high school I even care to see. I tried to keep up with the folks I cared about, some have lost touch, that's cool. But why do people decide to go to a class reunion? Already I am feeling the internal pushing to better myself before the dreaded weekend a year and a half from now. The biggest push, loose weight. By damn it I want to look at least as fit as I did in high school. I finally figured out what drives my weight loss, spite. I can help others better themselves, living situations, or anything else...... alas only one thing will fuel me to better myself. I am fueled by spite. I feel I have to be the best I can be just to prove I could.
1 thoughts from readers:
If we'd gone to high school together and met at a reunion, I'd be fascinated by all your stories of derby and the other things you've done and people you've known and places you've lived. You do tell stories in a captivating way.
But who cares about high school reunions, anyway? I'll go once I'm filthy rich and famous. Yeah, that's spite right there!
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