I spell it as follows : M-Y P-A-R-E-N-T-S A-R-E M-O-V-I-N-G.
Dont get me wrong, I love my mom and dad, but never intended to live in the same neighborhood, the price was right so here we are.
The house my parents live in is the same one Mom and I moved to when I was 12. Less than 1000 sq ft, 1 bath 2.5 bed rooms. At one time it was me, Mom and Tim in this miniscule house.
Dad (Tim) collects cars and at current count is at 16 or 17 (we lost track). The new house has a master bedroom that is larger than thier current living room. 2.5 car garage, 2 barns, and 3.5 acres. It is a good move for them, and a good move for me too!
thoughts from readers (1)
1 thoughts from readers:
I still don't see how 16 cars fit in a 2.5 car garage...
... barns, I guess...
Can't remember if I said congrats on the new job.
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