Recently both of what I like to call 'my' leagues have received flack for large margin victories. Sunday, February 10, 2008 Final score: CARD 17 - GCRG 209 and more recently Dominion becomes the first team to break 300 points in a WFTDA regulation game and Long Island is held to only 6 points while being completely shut out in the second half. Dominion wins by 301 points, 307-6.
I consider both these leagues mine because Dominion is the place where I learned the game, learned how to skate with derby girls, and learned to love the sport. Dominion will always hold a special place in my heart for this and so many other reasons more. Green Country is also mine. It is my hometown team and the ladies are just wonderful.
A common bond that both leagues share is the manners they use both on and off the track. Both leagues strictly renounce fighting. More over the reason I love both leagues is the way they treat their opponents. When either team is a visiting league they are grateful to their host. Do not cause a mess. And have a great time - no matter the out come. Also when a team visits they go out of the way to make the team feel at home, wanted, and respected. In no way would either league belittle a opponent for a loss. In sports there is always a winner and a looser. What counts is what we learn each time, win or loose.
In a sport that has so many misconceptions I am proud to say that one thing these women have is a heart that knows no end. These women volunteer in the community, take great care to always shed a positive light on roller derby and most importantly treat themselves with respect.
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