I got sunshine in a bag...

One of my biggest dreams came true.
- My brother called me.

Let me explain, we share a dad I guess you could say. Tho a dad he really isn't. I severed all contact with him at the age of 17. My brother was born when I was 12. Susan (his mom) left our mutual sperm donor (Darrell) months after Matt was born (good for her). The next few years I sent Matt's grandma letters to share with Matt, in hopes that he would know that I always will care about him despite any relationship we may or may not have with Darrell. Off and on thru the years I had the chance to babysit Matt, until he turned 4 and moved to Colorado. About 6 years ago we had dinner together. I did not want to complicate his life by trying to stay involved and figured if he wanted to have me in his life he would find a way to let me know. And that was pretty much the last I had heard of him until the other day. Thursday Matt called. It made my day. I hope this much time never passes again.


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