Hopefully this will be the final week for this.
I am running out of steam in the hunt for a job. It appears I may have to take a part time job or two. There simply are not many jobs to go around. This may mean a cut in pay - just to have a job that pays.
It is becoming very frustrating in constantly explaining to friends and family that we have no money at the moment. Especially when you have a family member calling and asking you to chip in on gift after gift that is so far out of the budget even when you are employed.
I had a interview on Friday that may pan out. It is 30 hours a week at best, at about $2 less than I had been making - but seriously with the way the economy is I am beginning to think I just need to get a job period. So for those keeping count at home this is a running total of 3 potential part time jobs. Someone find a tranquilizer gun if my head starts to spin in circles.
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