As I have watched the terror unfold off the coast of Somalia my days and nights have been filled with prayer for the captain, crew, and the USN forces dominating this situation.
I am so proud of how the President allowed the men to do as they have been trained. I am pleased that the US has taken a stand against piracy. Yes, even me - a liberal was happy with this resolution. After all we have a military force with extensive training. As a Navy Wife I feared for the lives and well being of each sailor, both civilian and service member alike.
Living as a navy wife knowing pirates do exist and they are nothing like Johnny Depp, piracy has always caused me pause. There was a ever present feeling that one day it would cease to be ransom and turn to blood shed. That time has come. The US made the first statement. Piracy will not be tolerated. I do expect this is the beginning to a new breed of pirate - not the end. I fear this will drag on for some time, but for too long these bandits have gone along unchecked. I salute the SEALS, the Crews of DDG 96, FFG-40, and LHD 4. You do your country a great service, we in turn are grateful.
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