I read a article today on MSNBC that fits me.
I am a ambivalent networker.
Pronunciation: \am-ˈbi-və-lən(t)s\
Function: noun
Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary
Date: 1918
1: simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings (as attraction and repulsion) toward an object, person, or action2 a: continual fluctuation (as between one thing and its opposite) b: uncertainty as to which approach to follow
If you have spent any real life time with me in the past year you will notice I groan when my phone lights up / makes noise / receives a text / gets a call. It is not that I do not want to talk to you, it is just I am tired of interruption. I prefer my interaction to be done with people on a face to face basis. I feel twitter has made it to easy to not maintain a true friendship. It is a way to keep in touch with out any reciprocity. This allows people to be entirely self absorbed. I do have a twitter account. I only use it for derby scores and that may end soon too. Now I know many of my closer friends use twitter, and love it. I am not among that demographic. I love getting email, I love messages on my computer. But seriously if my phone goes off please let it be for something useful / important / meant just for me. Not a mass text to every one you know. And for the love of all that is holy be at a reasonable hour. A text after 10PM on a week night is simply never welcome (I use my phone as a alarm - and no if I put it on silent it will not wake me in the AM). Maybe in some ways I am old fashioned. That is fine by me.
Despite this heavy reliance on technology, Ambivalent Networkers—primarily 20-somethings, and 60 percent male—didn't actually "like" this level of availability as much as everyone else. Only 31 percent strongly agreed that they liked being so accessible, compared to the sample's average of 47 percent and near the bottom for all groups. More than half of Ambivalent Networkers agreed that taking a break is definitely a good idea, which was (surprisingly) ten percentage points above the average from other groups.
My family suggests that I just turn the damn phone off. But that is not a option - it could be important. My husband could have been in a accident. My family could need me. You will notice I am away from the computer more during the weekend. Weekends are a time to unwind and reconnect with people. Sometimes I think all of this technology has made humanity cold toward each other.
1 thoughts from readers:
I am the same way. I'd rather make a quick call to meet up with someone and catch up face to face. I really dislike getting text messages and I've had a few words with friends who sent me text forwards.
I am always amazed at the number of people who feel they have to always be connected. They always have a phone in their ear and do they really have to talk about who said what to whom in the grocery line? Good lord people, hang up and live!!!!
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