The latest.

My friend Jess had her baby. Sebastian Nickolai.

Paul is home from the hospital and for once the law enforcement is doing something about this terror. So I am refraining from giving more info.

Grant is getting ready to enter the civilian world.


As for the mess that resulted with our desire to escape the Military life I am going to try to put pen to paper and tell you how I felt.

It was a routine polygraph. No big deal. Then Grant did not come home till late. He had other people with him.

They came into my home. They handled EVERYTHING I own. And when I say everything I mean it. Closets were a mess, they went thru boxes I had not opened since I moved out of my parents home. My dresser drawers looked like they had been in the mixer. I cannot begin to tell you the level of violation I felt. They looked at my photos and negatives, read my journals. Every piece of privacy out of my head was exposed.

Searched our cars and storage unit in front of neighbors.

All in the name of national security.

In this respect I will say my husband is taking a better attitude. These circumstances to me seem to go against everything I ever thought America stood for. It hurts. I have made no secret of what I think of politics and the current regime. This has only served to solidify my opinion. We are being kept in the dark all for cooperating with them.

I am so ready for this to be over. I am tired of the uncertainty.

Friends, Family. We are coming home. Maybe not to Oklahoma but to a state that borders it at least. We love the weather too much. If this month has shown us anything it is that family needs us close. Grandparents are not growing younger and healthier. Neices and nephews need a uncle and aunt. Our Aunts and Uncles need our help. And our families need us there to help make the family strong. So, yeah. Momma I'm coming home.

3 thoughts from readers:

!@#$% said...

I read the entries you wrote about this, Can't believe you were put through all that. I seem to remember something about "innocent until proven guilty." Apparently that really isn't the case any longer.

-- DayGlo!

P.S. Good luck at this weekend's bout.

laurie said...

Thanks DayGlo! That means alot.

Laura said...

I'm just catching up on your blog. Damn Laurie! I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this shit!