ever had one of THOSE days?

A shrink frind of mine sent me this... it made me laugh.

Yesterday I DID NOT want to go to practice.

As most people know derby girls are not always warm and fuzzy cuddle bugs. And being the head ref means sometimes you bear the brunt of their frustrations. Don't get me wrong off the track they are great, but derby time means business. With everything that has been going on lately I have been withdrawing from friends and family. I think I have hit the depression stage. I may never get my stuff back from the government and it is not cool with me. Work has been sucking more than usual and all this stress is really making married life difficult.

Back to practice.

As the girls were careening around the track I found it suddenly therapeutic to call penalties and yell. I came out of that scrimmage happier than I have been all week. Thats what I do. I ref.

1 thoughts from readers:

!@#$% said...

That's why I ref, too. Not everyone appreciates it, especially in the heat of the moment, but damn does it feel good sometimes.

-- DayGlo!