St. Brawli Girls - 2007 Dominion Derby Girls Season Champions!!
Recap by Hofosho, Captain, Dirty Diesel Darlins
The first ever Dominion Derby Girls home season championship was a bout for the ages, not to be missed by any derby fan in the area. It pitted the perennial underdog, the St. Brawli's Girls, against the undefeated Dirty Diesel Darlins. The Brawli Girls, still high from their first ever win in the semi-final bout against the Femme Fatales, knew they had a tough battle ahead of them. The Dirty Diesel Darlins had not lost a bout since the first bout and were not planning on losing now. Both teams went into this bout with a slight disadvantage, the Brawli's captain, Grand Master Crash, being on the West Coast, and the Darlins captain, Hofosho, sitting on the sidelines, still recovering from knee surgery. But being down a key blocker each did not stop each of these teams as each teams were introducing new skaters to their lineups, Media Blitz for the Darlins, and Lady Xanax for the Brawlis.
The bout was non-stop action. The Brawlis with their key jammers, T. Rex ya Face and Tsunami Tsue, went toe to toe with the always speedy jammers for the Darlins, Sweet N. Lowdown and The Ruffian. The Darlins saw the return of Mother Jugs as well as Duchess America, skating in her first home bout, both providing key blocking. The Brawlis responded to this with excellent blocking by bRat out of Hell and Cat O'Ninetails, on loan from the Femmes. The first period was close with the Darlins edging out a slight lead, making the score 37-34, but the second period was all Brawlis as they out scored the Darlins jammers and defeating the home season favorite 115-73. Although tears were shed out of sadness and joy, all came together to celebrate the win of the Brawlis and the league as a whole for completing their first full home season. The game also saw the end for two pivotal members of the league, Darlins co-captain Mother Jugs retired her skates and Head Ref Hailey Hawkeye said goodbye to Virginia as we lose her to Oklahoma.
The DDG would like to thank all its fans for making this a great season and hope to see everyone out for the first home interleague bout of the season as the DDG All Stars take on the All Stars from the Ohio Rollergirls on November 11th at Haygood Skating Center. Doors open at 6:30pm, bout starts at 7:30pm.
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