So this month has been a wee bit of a bust in my world. In-laws killed Paddy's day and my birthday was a bust to say the least. This week had me down. You know in the "Nobody likes me everybody hates me guess I'll go eat worms" kind of way.
Not a neon sign of self loathing mind you, but a internal churning none the less.... (yes this is being written under the influence so it may be a bit more rambeling than usual, espically when you add in my BELOVED diet pills!)
Today I came home and mowed the lawn with our electric mower. Slightly better than the electric mowers of yester-year. I personally think a goat would have done better. Then came inside, made too much spagatoo (meaning spaghetti but that's how I say it) ate it, then attained coma status on the couch. Yeah I am old. At 8PM I was awoke by the door bell. Erin stopped by to take me out for a birthday drink or two. Whooo Hoooo! THIS IS WHAT I NEEDED! A friend stopping in just to see how I was. It was FAB-OOOOOO. We ran up the road to potbellies for some brew only to discover it was ladies night and the first 2 drinks were free.
Those of you in VA will be shocked to learn that 2 drinks will now get me tipsy after being too broke to bar hop in the past 6 months. I am a fucking lightweight these days. It does save money so I cant complain.....
Any way moral to the story, you will never know how much your friends value you. Presence counts for a lot.
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