Oh happy day!

It is not often that one can say they found something they lost and have been actively looking for.

First day on the new job and I am still figuring out how to get into the swing of things - so I decide for lunch to go sit in my car, listen to NPR, and delve into the glove box and center console of my truck for the first times since - well I do not know when (tho evidence would suggest May 2003). In this cleaning / weeding out of items I located my first and favorite pair of hoop earrings! These earrings went missing back in October 2007 when we moved back from VA. My best guess is that on the freezing drive I decided to remove the freezing metal items from my ears. I have quite literally torn the house apart multiple times since the move trying to find them. Who would have thought that finding my earrings could make me this happy?

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