Happy Earth Day

It is the start of spring here in OK. Spring and fall are my favorite seasons. I like to drive around with the sun roof open and the windows down. I love the smells that come with theses seasons. For fall the crispness of the air, the smell of leaves being crunched. Spring brings mowed grass, storms moving in, and honeysuckle. I love these smells, just like a lab rat looking for crack I am drawn to them, even if they are not good for me. How can these not be good for me you ask. Simply put allergies. My eyes turn red, itch, and water. My nose becomes inflamed and begins to drain causing me to sneeze and blow my nose uncontrollably. Does this curb my appetite for these smells? Oh hell no. I just snort down some prescription meds and continue on my merry way. Got to enjoy what mother nature gives us. All too soon it will be ozone alert days, 118 every day and humid. And the worth of a parking space will be determined by how much shade is offered and not by the proximity to the door. Blah

And speaking of mother nature today is earth day. Time to think about litter, carbon foot prints, recycling, and the ozone.

Carbon foot print / recycling I need to improve this. It does not help that recycling is not nearly as convenient as it was in VA. When they picked up the recycling at the curb along with the garbage. I enjoyed sorting the bottles / cans / paper. Why oh why cant you do this too BA? Tulsa does!

As for the ozone, I don't drive the Vega on ozone alert days. I also don't mow. I try not to leave the house. I choose not to buy aerosol products. I try, right?

Litter - I am a self titled litter bug. But do I really litter?

Daily I sit in a local park and eat my lunch, and take in a little NPR. Lunch typically consists of a sandwich and either fruit or carrots. With the carrots as I come across one that does not have great flavor or still has the stem attached I toss it out the sunroof. The same goes for apple cores and banana peels. The way I see it - all these items are biodegradable. Animals can eat them and not get ill. I am helping to feed nature. Just yesterday I saw a bunny enjoying a recently discarded carrot. By the same token you are likely to see these items come flying out the window (only on the side where there are no cars) as I am driving down the road. These days I would never carelessly discard a styrofoam cup or container on the side of the road - that is just wrong. During my rebellious teen days I was a true litterer, but only in areas with a adopt a highway sign. I was a rebel with a conscious. You see my mother is a bit of a nature / recycling advocate. My way of rebelling was to not follow in those footsteps, sort of. So you be the judge - is biodegradable litter still litter? Likely your verdict will not change my mind, but I would like to read it.

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