Long Week, Month, Year.


After this last week I just feel beat, tired, and ready for the next few weeks to pass quickly.

As you may know I am retiring from derby.

This weekend I reffed one of my final bouts. It confirmed for me that it is time for me to retire.

With all the goings on this weekend. (Rink lock in, Mayfest, Working Sat, make - up mothers day with Grants Family, Chruch, Fellowship dinner, helping Grandma, and the bout) I just feel like I did not even have a weekend.

The lawn needs mowing, and I just want to lie in the hammock and relax.

In the farming / gardening front we seem to have taken on quite alot. We are up to 4 tomato plants, 3 peppers, spearmint, and citronella plants (x5). Will I never learn about too much of a good thing?

1 thoughts from readers:

!@#$% said...

One of these days, I will start gardening. Need my own place for that, though.