It hit me this week.
Since the start of my derby retirement I have found one thing to be true. As each day passes I hate my cell phone less and less.
Now don't get me wrong, I am still not a fan of the damn thing. However I am far less likely to verbally assault the air at the slightest chirp it makes. Today's project may be reevaluating ring tones for something a wee bit calmer to help with this shift.
I really think with derby I was just feeling too - responsible, stressed, and tired. It was hard to see at the time. I still love the sport, but some things are better loved at a distance. Just like bears.
Some times you can care so much about something that it consumes you (Pun intended). It starts to almost become your identity, not a part of your personality. At this time I am fighting to once again find my identity. A well rounded representation of who I am. My personality finger print.
1 thoughts from readers:
Ditto here...maybe in a different way, but still fueled by the same needs.
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