Really, I do.
Husbands are a curious lot. Days pass where you simply want to throttle them for one reason or another. You never stop loving them, often you find the term 'what the hell' dashing across your mind interchangeable from positive to negative. Still they manage to catch you off guard - cause a pause, even a smile.
Yesterday was a prime example.
G rented a movie. Watched it with out me. Called to let me know it was there and that I was welcome to watch. He was concerned about me watching it. Not for graphic or vulgar content. His concern was grounded in my intense fear of needles. Evidently the movie has some lengthy shots of injections. My best guess is he was worried I would pass out and no one would be there to care for me. I felt so loved in that moment, so grateful he is my husband. I love my husband, really I do.
1 thoughts from readers:
That's cute!
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