make mine a double

Two days in to this week and it is just not working out so well.

I don't know why. I have had a headache daily. No real reason tho. Just something feels off.

Maybe I thought my feng shui was off and a little rearranging of the house would help. Maybe I am just crazy. But last night at 9pm I got the itch to rearrange the guest room/library. Moving about book shelves - not a small task (even if they are small shelves). I don't know why I did it.

Today a steady diet of BC cocktails (sprite + bc powder), comfortably numb (pink floyd), and if I ever leave this world alive (flogging molly) are the only things getting me by. If things dont improve expect me to be involved in many more erratic cleaning fits as well as erratic working out. Somthing has gotta give. Lord knows I am the only one who will make that happen.

5 thoughts from readers:

Old Skool Beatdown said...

Maybe a visit from a good friend and a night out on the town will help.

laurie said...

Lar does this mean you are coming for a visit?

Old Skool Beatdown said...

Well... I'll be in KS for a month. Can't spend the Whole time there; I'll end up as crazy as your husband!

Old Skool Beatdown said...

I am not visiting your state unless it cools down to a tolerable temperature. For real!!!!!

laurie said...

yeah, it is friggin hot....