I’ve been livin' in fast forward, now I need to rewind real slow

Last night after work I went straight home.

Grant went out side to water the plants and check the peppers. While he did that I fed the Turtles and the plecostomus. The turtles are red eared sliders and I have named them Pinky and the Brain. Pinky is the little light green active turtle. The Brain is larger and less active. The Plecostomus is named Clossamer.

As we watched the turtles swimming in the pond and eating we both settled in on the hammock for a hour and a half to talk and relax. The gentle sounds of the waterfall were a nice tempo. As we were lying there we saw a dove, a few finches, and could even hear a Owl. It was such a peaceful relaxing way to unwind. This is what I have been missing and have been needing.

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