Fake it till you feel it.

Fake it till you feel it.

This is a mantra that has served me well over the last 5 or so years. It came as a rough patch of married life hit full force.

Over the years it has been used many times in many situations. Don't feel happy? Fake it - fake it long enough and you will feel it. It has been used routinely each job, weight loss endeavor, and social situation. It has become something I live by.

Each time life kicks me in the teeth I pick myself up and repeat, "Fake it till you feel it."

My advise to my friends is the same - tho I am not certain how often they take this to heart.

One Friend in particular, I wish she would grasp this concept and run with it. Put it to work as I have in all matters of life - self esteem, work, school, and family life.

I have found in life if I fake that everything is alright soon enough this is true.

1 thoughts from readers:

!@#$% said...

I once had a therapist tell me the same thing. It worked pretty well.