So I went to the football portion of the 1999 reunion.
It was everything I expected. The 'popular' kids had not changed. I think I spoke to a total of 8 humans.
The funny part was hearing a former jock say "wow life really sucks since high school. I totaled my cool car, haven't got married, and don't have any kids." I found myself respecting that he was not trying to put on airs. This is just how things were.
More than a few classmates came up to talk to the old friends that I was chatting with. They would start up a conversation, then turn to me and say "did you graduate with us?" All the meanwhile I was wearing my letter jacket. I suppose one of three things is true (1) I have changed and they don't recognise me (2) They suck at remembering people (3) They were too self absorbed to notice others when we were in school. It was underwhelming. We left about a hour and a half in. It wasn't Romy and Michelle but to tell the truth it wasn't that awesome either.
I went. Lets just say I certainly hope the friends that did not go to this one will be at the 20. Maybe then it will be worth attending the reunion.
2 thoughts from readers:
I would have gone also but i figured just like you were speculating that much has not changed, to me it seems like when you get older these events are just a way to measure everyone up and to see how there life is compared to yours and in most cases to toot your own horn so to speak, not that that's a bad, sometimes. Hopefully i still wont feel the same way in 20 years as i do now. See yah in 20 if not before. :)
Yep...sounds about how mine went, but I was stuck up in Ponca the entire weekend. I ended up going to all the weekend's events, and it was all the same. People don't change much after 10 years. I did find it comical when they were calling up the people that went to the various elementary schools for reunion pictures, and when they called for First Lutheran School, the only other private school in Ponca aside from the Catholic school, the only two people who were present were me (7 months pregnant) and my gay friend, Cameron. We decided to skip the picture, although it would've been funny.
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