Your thinkin's so complicated
I've had it all up to here
But it's so overrated
Love and hate it
Wouldn't trade it
10 year reunion.
This weekend.
The itinerary is this: Football Game, Dinner at the Jenks Aquarium. All this for $80. As for me I am just going to the Game. I have been watching the RSVP's online very closely. Thus far I am not feeling all that compelled to attend. Especially not at $80 a head. From what I can tell the reunion will be mostly comprised of STUCO (student council for you non- BAHS folk) kids. This is a group I was never involved with.
To further add annoyance to this phenomena that is the 10 year reunion I am noticing a trend in the classmates that passed on. The only ones that are being listed are the popular kids. I emailed the moderator about this but it has not been taken care of as of yet so here I would like to add Donnie that passed in 8th grade, and Richard Winland that passed in the winter of 1997. They have added others that passed prior to graduation but not these two.
Now please do not get me wrong. I loved my high school experience and would not trade it for the world. None the less I feel it is too soon after high school for a reunion. Have we really changed that much since then? If a classmate wants to see me or contact me it is easy thru the wonders of the internet or cell-o-phone-o I am easily reached. But I really do not want to live out my own Romy and Michelle experience just yet. But I do know better than to claim I invented post-its.
I will be punking out early from work to attend the Homecoming parade. If you are going to be there please let me know, maybe we can catch up.
Otherwise for you - my classmates of 1999 give a holler some time we can chat over beer or coffee. I am not against seeing any of you but this reunion - its just not my bag baby.
4 thoughts from readers:
I wish I would've skipped my 10-year reunion. I was 7 months pregnant, so that could've been part of it. The same people that didn't talk to me in high school were the same people who didn't talk to me at the reunion. I've heard from older folks that 20 and 30 year reunions are far better than the 10.
My skool, as small as it was (72 grad class), didn't get their shit together so we missed out on a 10 year. Yes, it's soon, but we all still look young and some of us have bragging rights. And good for you for pointing out what others are putting their blinders on to.
Lora, thats what I am hearing too. From what my mom said the 10 year reunion was a bunch of drunks making a ass of themselves actig like a 18 year old version of themself only with booze! I am so beyond that.
My 20-year reunion (!) will be in 2011, and I'm not going, just as I didn't go to any of the others. I had nothing in common with those people then; I have nothing in common with them now.
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