Home for interviews that is!
I am sure my friends have heard me complaining constantly for the past 2+ months since the investigation started that he is ALWAYS home.
If you have never lived the military life this makes little sense. But for my entire marriage he has been gone at least 70% of the year each year. I got used to the time he was gone. Stockpiled my chick flicks and chick tv for the times he was away. All the things I do purely for my entertainment were gone! It has been a bit disorienting. This has caused some tension at home. So the week and a half that he is in OK looking for a job will allow me to take care of a few last minute chick type things.
He will be interviewing at COX and KOTV.
It still has not hit us that we will be home in just a little over 2 months. It's crazy.
On the 22nd I will be in Boston Reffing the DDG v. Boston Derby Dames
The 30th is our Championship Bout.
I cant believe I will be home for the holidays, for good.
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