just you wait

something, something is brewing behind the curtains. I cannot share just yet, but soon expect a bit of news. And no I am not preggers, quit asking that stupid question. Oh and I hit 27 today. As GCRG derby girl Severe Lisa Distik stated to me today:

Happy Birthday Hailey. Now's a good time to start mentally preparing yourself for Three Oh.


I still haven't recovered and I'm not even that fragile. People don't tell you about these things.

You're welcome.

So I guess that is like a 3 year resolution to hit the list.

-PS to all the phone calls, txt mssgs and such thanks. I am not ignoring you this birthday just seems to have brought out the melancholy in me.

Oh, and I attended church in Morris today. It was great. The new pastor is not a fuck-wit like the last one. This one has a brain and a open mind, who knew?!

1 thoughts from readers:

paintandink said...

Oh. My. God. I feel terrible. I am SO sorry I missed your birthday! But here's wishing you a marvelous year full of dreams come true and fantastic adventures and visits to see us! Or at least one, maybe?