There outta be a law

There outta be a law about NASCAR. That crap ties up more traffic than anything else I have ever seen.

Several months ago I was delayed in getting to DC in time to ref for the DC roller girls, in fact I arrived in time for the second period. Fast forward a few months to Sunday September the 23rd. Dover. Now most of the folks reading this know little to nothing about the East Coast. The Fastest route from Virginia Beach to Boston is the Eastern most highway. This takes us thru places like New Haven, New York, Newark, Wilmington, and Dover. Dover, capital city of Delaware. As in the quote from Waynes World, "We're in Delaware." With what I knew of Delaware I expected a nice leisurely drive with not much excitement. Wrong. Dead WRONG. Unbeknownst to me rednecks of every shape and size had decened on Dover to bask in the exhaust fumes and broken bones. RV's and tents as far as the eye can see. Shirtless, out of shape, bright red sunburnt, men darting thru traffic. Women clad in denim shorts and oversized t-shirts dragging their children and lawn chairs behind them. Near miss accidents at every 10 feet.

Seriously, no other 'sport' tears up traffic that bad. I even find it hard to refer to it as a sport. Every sport I can think of evolves hours or exercise, training, endurance, and skill. Now don't get me wrong. I do not mean to discount NASCAR as entertainment or a skill. Driving fast is certainly a skill that must be cultivated. I am sure that it takes a great deal of endurance to hold ones bladder that long over a less than smooth surface while going at a high rate of speed. So yes, I will agree that NASCAR includes training, skill, and endurance... just no exercise. But all the same can be said of truckers and trucking which by the way is not a sport. But, I digress.

Both times I sat in creeping traffic. All I am asking for here is a simple sign. Preferably something that says "Caution NASCAR fans ahead, expect delays" or one that that provides a non-NASCAR detour around the mess. so that those of us who would never think to see where the race is scheduled are not inconvenienced to the point of insanity.

Maybe growing up in a non-NASCAR area like Oklahoma makes me calloused to these such things. Most likely I would forgive a local homecoming parade or festival parade. Who knows.

1 thoughts from readers:

!@#$% said...

Wanna know what fun is?

Fun is watching the Pocono 500 from the pit with a male parental unit who shall remain nameless and one of his redneck buddies, because said parental unit and redneck buddy didn't want to spend the money for actual tickets.

Fun is having to listen to the play-by-play for the race right in front of you on the truck's crappy AM radio because you can't see a damn thing.

Fun is finding out that neither the parental unit nor the redneck buddy checked the weather report to see if it would rain.

Fun is getting stuck in said pit when a sudden thunderstorm rolls into town.

Fun is watching all the other rednecks with their monster trucks get even more stuck than you, burying themselves as they rev their engines and splattering your truck with mud in the process.

Fun is the fact that the road going to the raceway was already inadequate for event traffic before the Poconos became oversaturated with cheap, overcrowded trailers.

Needless to say, that was my first AND last NASCAR race.

On the good side, the three of us did get to meet Neil Bonnett before the race began, and he was a really nice guy.