Wow. Just Wow.

(W3) Texas Rollergirls @ (E3) Carolina Rollergirls

Tomorrow's bout between the nationally third-ranked Texas Rollergirls Texecutioners and the seventh-ranked Carolina Rollergirls is the highest ranking interleague bout since (2) Tucson Roller Derby defeated (4) Mad Rollin' Dolls in mid-July.

The past year has thrown the once-unassailable Texecutioners a couple curve balls, as they suffered their first loss to Tucson in December, then fell to (1) Rat City Rollergirls in the Dust Devil semifinal round. This is the Texecutioners' first interleague bout since the Dust Devil in February, and therefore a first opportunity for the derby world to see what adjustments they've made since discovering defeat.

Carolina has never shied away from tough opponents, and their decision months ago to invite Texas for a warmup bout two weeks before nationals is further proof of their determination to play the best. Carolina has been adjusting to the loss of several key skaters this year, some to moves and some to injuries, while I'm told Texas is fielding a lineup of only 12 skaters in this bout. It'll be interesting to see how each team handles their lineups in light of these challenges.

Final score:

Texas 64 @ Carolina 59

Borrowed from Hurt Reynolds

I got a email early Friday morning inviting me to come down to Carolina to Ref this game!They lost a ref or two to injury recently and needed to beef up the numbers. Just WOW! It was a fast and low scoring game. and just plain incredible. I met the head Ref for Texas Roller Girls, Quicksilver. It was so nice to see another Female Ref. What a cool lady! And she will be keeping in contact with me once we move to Tulsa! And once again, WOW! I had the Pleasure of working with Voodoo and Scooby Smack again as well as meeting Justice Feelgood Marshall. DayGlo! speaks highly of him so that was a treat! Nigel was there, so I had another chance to skate with my mentor. WOW! I am one happy Hawkeye.

We did expel one player from the bout and there were two minor injuries. Afterwards people were coming up to me while I was taking off my gear and asking how did I keep up with those girls. To be perfectly honest I don't know. A few gals from Dominion were there, Lady Xanax, Duchess (Squeaks) America, HoFoSho, Frankendoll, Tsuenami Tsue, and Spontaneous Combustya. I have been told they cheered loudly for me during intro's. The bout was a knuckle biter to the last second.

Below you will find a slide show. Texas is in white, Carolina is in black.

And here is the final 27 seconds of the second period. Please note where two Texas gal's nearly take me out approaching turn 1.

2 thoughts from readers:

Kenny said...

I just walked in the door and there's aleady a blog entry up!? Cool! Great to see you again.

!@#$% said...

Wow indeed. Sounds like an amazing bout.